Defence & Passive Income

Farming Players can stake $TIIME on a land plot. Staked $TIIME generates a $TIIME APY, that can be harvested on a daily basis. APY changes over time, based on:

  • tokenomics

  • amounts staked

  • number of active players

  • territory

Land plots where a player is staking can not be stolen. However, the amount staked, and APY rewards not harvested can be stolen by the attacker. Tax

When a $TIIME from “war effort – hunt tokens” is harvested on a given plot, the land owner receives a (30)% tax on the harvested amount.


When a $TIIME from “war effort – hunt tokens” is harvested on a given plot, the land owner receives a (30)% tax on the harvested amount. Several levels of protection can be purchased:

  • (2 000) $TIIME: (10) protection power

  • (10 000) $TIIME: (20) protection power

  • (25 000) $TIIME: (30) protection power

Territory boosts

Larger territories confer bonuses to plots they are comprised of.

Larger territories give an APY boost to their lands. Plots belonging to larger territories share a larger portion of daily staking rewards offered by the Orbs.

Each land plot benefits from a protection boost, which depends upon how many land plots are in a territory:

  • (10-20) plots = + (20)% bonus

  • (21-50) plots = + (50) bonus

  • (50-100) plots = + (100)% bonus

Lands game mechanics will become available during phase 2

Last updated