
Light Paper v1

After retrieving all 7 orbs from Susanoo's hands, Tiimy's spaceship was hit and destroyed by a rocket. He managed to keep all 7 orbs with him when the explosion impact propelled him through space.

After a long journey, Tiimy got pulled toward a huge black hole. As Tiimy and the orbs were getting sucked in, the Orbs created a huge blast of unfathomable energy. Tiimy and the Orbs made it through the black hole and popped up billions of light years away, next to a galaxy named "Milky way"...

After this crazy interstellar journey, the 7 Orbs began to glitter and gravitate toward a blue planet: Earth. Quickly after they got caught within earl's magnetic field, they crashed on 7 of the planet’s Islands. The Orbs created a massive impact when they hit the ground, which cracked each of them.

Through their cracks, the orbs started releasing thousands and thousands of spirits across the planet. They got dispersed and settled in many different places: houses, stores, museums, cars, restaurants...

These spirits are tiny monsters devoid of intelligence, surviving as parasites by feeding on dust and debris: the Tiimons. No one knows where the orbs came from, but what's for sure: Tiimons hate each other…

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